Tuesday 12 April 2016

Choose Cost Effective Home Heating Propane Solutions For Your Residence

Choosing cost-effective home heating solutions is crucial if you want to save money and prolong the life of your appliances. Switching to propane can change the way you achieve a warm and comfortable home. Propane is a more environmentally friendly fuel, too, because it burns cleanly. In fact, it earned approval as an alternative and clean fuel in the 1990 Clean Air Act. These days, over 60 million Americans are using propane home heatingsolutions for comfort, savings, and reliability.

Propane for Water Heating

Residential water heating is one of the largest factors in high residential energy consumption. Propane water heaters typically cost less than half the cost generated by an electric heaters. Moreover, they help minimize greenhouse gas emissions by up to 60 percent. Electric water heaters are not qualified for federal Energy Star programs, unlike their propane versions.

Using a propane tankless water heater may help improve your home's energy efficiency. It is Energy Star-qualified, with efficiency levels ranging from 83 to 94 percent. It costs approximately 60 percent less to run a propane tankless water heater than a conventional electric storage tank, and it can continuously provide a hot stream of water for a much longer period.

Propane for Home Heating

When it comes to home heating, propane can be used on furnaces, boilers, fireplace inserts, and radiant heat. Propane home heating systems can reduce greenhouse gas emissions and energy costs by up to 68 percent. If you use a propane furnace, you can be sure that you are using a heat source that is an AFUE (annual fuel utilization efficiency) rating of 95 or higher, and that it is producing air that is up to 25 degrees warmer than what electric heat pumps can generate. You can avoid that cold and drafty feeling, too, as well as eliminate the need to rely on supplemental or additional heat sources that could contribute to higher energy costs.

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