Monday, 14 December 2015

How Propane Can Help You Save Money

Propane is one of the most versatile fuel sources currently available in the market, and there are many practical ways by which you can switch from other energy sources such as electricity, gas, or oil to LPG. In fact, a lot of homes and businesses now rely on propane for their water and space heating needs, backup power, and other energy requirements. Not too long ago, propane also became available as alternative fuel for vehicles, making it the third most popular automotive fuel source in the world, after diesel and oil. In addition to these applications, propane also drives agricultural and landscaping equipment and has the capacity to power a wide range of other machinery and appliances. Depending on how you choose to use propane, there are many ways by which you can save money through this clean fuel:

  • Propane is a smart, economical choice because its pricing is a lot more stable. As much a 95 percent of the propane used in North America is produced domestically. Because of this, its pricing is less subject to the fluctuations of foreign oil rates. Allotting budget for propane use on a monthly basis is, therefore, a lot easier, and because propane isn't delivered through a pipeline and is instead stored onsite, you may even save your funds further by buying supplies in bulk when rates are at a seasonal low.
  • Propane is a more efficient energy source compared to other fuels because it has twice as much as usable energy per unit than its counterparts. This equates to as high as 98 percent efficiency when running propane appliances. Comparing actual usage costs, it is clearly a value leader.
  • Propane heat is hotter (and cheaper). It can produce more consistent heat at a much lower cost (as much as 1/3 less) than other fuel sources.

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